
半岛官方下载:About Xiang oil pump

       Our company formerly known as "Hunan oil pump factory", founded in 1949. In 1994, the stock system was transformed and Hunan oil pump Limited by Share Ltd was formally established. In November 30, 2016, it was issued on the Shanghai stock exchange, stock abbreviation: Xiang oil pump, stock code: 603319        Our company is Chinese Engine Industry Association executive director of the unit, the cooling water pump / Vice pump branch unit, pump units to develop industry standards, high-tech enterprises, national technology innovation business model, is China internal combustion engine industry pacesetter enterprise China internal combustion engine industry association confirmed "". The company has a state-level enterprise technology center, with Heng Mountain Gear Co. Ltd and Hunan province Jiali Machinery Co., two wholly-owned subsidiary. Over the past twenty years, Hunan Pump uphold the "integrity, innovation, execution and improvement of" spirit of enterprise, has always been to lead the development of technological innovation, and constantly improve the manufacturing capacity, the company has become China's engine oil pump manufacturing enterprise leader.
Endless innovation
For decades, Hunan oil adhering to the "integrity, innovation, execution and improvementthe spirit of enterprise, has always been to lead the development of technological innovation, and constantly improve the manufacturing capacity, the company has become China's engine pump products and business leader.
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